
Message Queue

2022-02-21 06:21:00

Core Concepts

The following are the concepts used in message queue JCQ product and their explanations.

1. Message related nouns

Term name Corresponding English Explanation
Message Message Carrier of data transmission in message queue
Message ID Message ID The globally unique identifier of a message, which is automatically generated by the system and uniquely identifies a message
Message Body Message Body The message content carried by a message, that is, the data to be transmitted
Tag Tag Message Queue JCQ allows you to set tags for subscribers and messages for message filtering to ensure that subscribers only consume the messages they want to get. Tag is the filtering of messages by message subscribers
Messaging Type Type Including two messaging protocols, namely, TCP and HTTP
Message Retention Period Message Retention Period The longest survival time of a message in the server, calculated from the successful writing of the message. The message will be deleted regardless of whether it has been consumed or not. The unit is seconds. The default value is 259,200s (3 days). No modification is allowed
Visibility Timeout Visibility Timeout The time that a message is temporarily hidden after it is received in order to avoid other consumers consuming the message at the same time
Maximum Message Size Maximum Message Size The maximum size of the Message Body is 256KB
Maximum Receives Maximum Receives The server pushes a message to the subscriber, ensuring at least one push and a maximum of 16 attempts
TPS Transactions Per Second Total number of transactions transmitted per second of Message Queue JCQ production and consumption messages
Message stacking Message Stacking If the message has not been delivered or the subscriber fails to receive the message, Topic saves the message that has not been consumed. This state is message stacking
Delay message Message Delayed The producer of a message sends a message to the server but does not want the message to be delivered immediately. Instead, it is delayed for a set period of time before it is delivered to the consumer for consumption. This kind of message is called delay message
Ordered message Ordered Message A message type provided by Message Queue JCQ, which is published and consumed in strict order. An ordered message consists of two parts: ordered publishing and ordered consumption
Reset consumer point reset consumer point The function of resetting the consumption progress of the message subscriber's subscription topic within the time range of message persistence storage (3 days by default)
Dead-Letter Queue Dead-Letter Queue After the maximum number of reception times is exceeded, messages will be sent to Dead-Letter Queue. These messages can be isolated in Dead-Letter Queue to determine the reason for their processing failure

2. Topic subscription related terms

Term name Corresponding English Explanation
Topic Topic Messages are classified by creating topic
Subscriber Subscriber Role of subscribing messages in the topic
Producer Producer Role of sending messages in the subject
ConsumerGroup ConsumerGroup Role group for message consumption through subscription in the topic
Consumer Consumer Role for message consumption through subscription in the topic
Subscribe Subscribe Establish a subscription relationship when receiving messages in a topic


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